The quantity of backwashed water would be 3,30,000 gallons or 0.33 MG per wash. As per the data collected from both the water treatment plants the backwash will be done almost alternative days. So the quantity of water per annum would be around 60MG.
After installing 2.5MLD FAB type of STP the quantum of treated water entering in to the lake per day would be 0.22 MG (or 1.00 MLD) and the total quantity would be 365 ML/annum or 80.30 MG/annum.
The total quantum of the water flowing to the lake per annum would be as follows.
- From the stormwater drains ………. 40.00 MG (80)
- From STP ………. 80.30 MG (40.30)
- From New sources (backwashed
Water from Treatment plants) .……………… 60.00 MG
Total .……………… 80.30 MG
After the desolation of the tank, holding capacity will be 167MG so the remaining water of 13.30 MG will be used for maintenance of public garden, which is located just besides the Lake. Now the public garden is almost dried because shortage of water. 0.102 MG of water can be released for the maintenance of 58 acres huge public garden daily.In case of excess of water flow from the lake, it can be used for the garden development at Police Training Center at Naganhalli, which was constructed recently. On the way to Naganhalli the water can also be used for growing Vegetables by local farmers, now they are growing by using polluted water over flown from the lake.
After Development of this whole tank, there is going to be recurring cost of maintenance, which has been calculated about Rs. 11.00 Lakhs per annum. The city corporation Kalaburagi will initially meet this cost of maintenance of Rs. 11.00 Lakhs. And gradually it will be shifted to the
revenue, which we are going to get from the proposed developments all around the lake. The total expected returns from the various commercial activities like boating, entry fee & advertising etc., is expected to be Rs. 22.50 lakhs. If everything goes as expected there will be income of Rs. 11.00 lakhs per annum, which will be utilized for further development of the tank and as well as for the development of fort area in future.
Already-District Administration is making efforts to constitute Eco-clubs in schools and is trying to create environmental awareness among the people. Once this tank is full developed it will also act as environment awareness creating center for the people visiting this tank. Keeping in view the present condition of the tank and also to fulfill the desire of 4.56 lakh people of Kalaburagi City to have a beautiful tank in the heart of the city, a comprehensive development of this tank is very very essential.